Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Adapters Bring On-Hold Messages to All Businesses

Matching audio adapters to KSU-less (2-line or 4-line) telephones used to be a game of “hit-and-miss”… Not anymore! Now EVERY business can utilize messages on-hold.

As more home-based companies and small shops have recognized the power of reaching out to their callers on-hold, the demand for improved technology has lead to real solutions. Telephone Audio Adapters or Music-On-Hold (MOH) Adapters have been around for a long time. But only in recent years has the steady development of technology become more inclusive of the zillions of phones and mixtures of phones, both corded and cordless one might find in any given small shop, private medical practice or “bedroom-based business”.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Messages On-Hold and Co-op Advertising

Websites do it all the time! So why can’t businesses offset costs by generating sponsorships from the representation of vendors in their on-hold message productions?!

Although on-hold messages predate the explosion of Internet commerce by several years, many companies who play messages on-hold have never even thought about this opportunity. True, it won’t work for every company, or even every type of business. But there are companies taking advantage of sponsorship or co-op advertising programs that, in some cases go well beyond the point of just covering costs, especially when the messages are updated more frequently. Changing messages out on a monthly or quarterly basis allows more vendors or manufacturers to be involved as sponsors. It also allows them more control over content, as well as the ability to target promotional campaigns on new products or to help move existing inventory.